Home & School Communication

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OFSTED said: "..Excellent links with parents support their child's well-being and development..."

Please let the school office know if;

  • Your child is ill or going to be absent by contacting the main office on the first day of absence and leaving a message.

Please let your child's class teacher know;

  • If your child has had a bad nights sleep.

  • Something is worrying or upsetting them (both at home or in school)

  • Any change of circumstances at home.

We will communicate with you through;

  • Emails, texts, phone calls and letters (including notifying you if your child has hurt themselves or had an accident.)

  • Tapestry

  • Open afternoons (regular opportunities to come and see your child's work)

  • Termly Learning Conferences (TLC's)

  • A formal yearly report