C.O.O.L. Time - Play

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Vygotsky, seen as the 'Mozart' of educational development and psychology, said:

"In play, the child is always behaving beyond their age, above their usual everyday behaviour; in play they are a head above themselves.."

At Collingwood play is introduced as C.O.O.L. (Choose-Our-Own-Learning) Time and underpins all aspects of children's development. Through play children develop language skills, their emotions, creativity and social skills. Play takes place indoors and outdoors and it is in these different environments that children explore and discover their immediate world. It is here they practise new ideas, take risks, show imagination and solve problem on their own or with others.

EYFS learning looks like ...

At Collingwood children have access to a wide range of resources including toys. They are encouraged to flow freely between activities in order for them to follow their natural learning instincts and embed their knowledge in a way that best supports their own needs. This leads to more meaningful experiences, ensuring a deeper level of understanding. Children are set clear boundaries and high expectations where they know they:

Choose it - Use it - and put it Away!