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On behalf of Essex County Council and the NHS, Virgin Care and Barnardo’s provide a range of child and family services throughout Essex that are free at the point of delivery.
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CLCIK HERE to send a report to CEOP.
Story Time Webpage
for stories read by Collingwood Staff.
Collingwood 100 Challenges
How many can you complete before you are 12?
What to expect, when?
Guidance to your child’s learning and development in the early years foundation stage.
TLC is an Essex campaign helping parents, carers and families give their young children the best start to life, developing their communication skills through playful learning at home. For great ideas and advice on helping your child to get ready for school Click HERE to look at their website.
PACEY is the Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years. They provide a wealth of support, information and resources as part of their website. Click HERE to visit their Parents Toolkit
'Click' to view your child's latest learning on their Tapestry Account.
'Click' to access games and activities to support your child's phonic skills.
Login details: Username: march20 Password: home
Alphablocks: - videos and advice supporting your child's phonics learning.
Numberblocks: - videos and advice supporting your child's number learning.
Mr T's Phonics: - Mr Thorne, with the help of Geraldine the Giraffe has lots of videos supporting the development of children's phonics knowledge
For further information about our school curriculum and how children's learning progresses in each subject please visit: